Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!





Max (holding Max & Carolyn) & Ri (holding Alexis & Aiden)
Please note the stank look Aiden is giving Ri in this picture!

Mr. & Mrs. Day meet the crazy babies.
Mrs. Day is holding Aiden & Alexis while Mr. Day has his hands full with Carolyn and Max.

We discussed for a long time how we would do Christmas. After much debate we decided going to VA would be the best bet for us. It is six hours away, but with quads it turned into 7-8 hours. It was just easier to take the babies up to VA instead of everyone coming down to Charleston. Plus we got to see some of our favorite people! We didn't get to see everyone though because it was kept Super Secret Squirrel since the babies still have such under developed lungs. So we moved lock down from SC to VA.

We enjoyed our time away from home, but decided it will be a long...long...long...long time before we take another road trip. They did awesome, but both on the way up and back down we had a good hour of screaming. In surround sound. Not.Fun.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas & have a Happy New Year!


  1. LOVE, LOVE the pictures. sooo adorable! glad you had a good vacation.

  2. They're gorgeous Lisa! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
