Saturday, August 7, 2010

Slightly *OK VERY* Overdue Post

So I thought I would write a blog post a day last month to show how far the babies have come.  That is so cute of me.  Since I have changed phones, AND had a hard drive die on me.  So let us pretend like I never said I would show each baby on each day.  It just won’t happen.  I’m too ridiculous for it.  I fall asleep on my computer most of the time!



Carolyn is crawling FORWARD!  YAY!  She is still having issues keeping food in her mouth, but she is doing great on level 3.  She likes playing with sheets, and is still doing awesome at nights now.  Hardly ever cries when you put her to bed, but on some days she will start screaming. 


Alexis is standing by herself for short periods of time, and trying to walk a little.  She is also very clingy when it comes to me.  She is doing great with all foods and snacks.  She has started shaking her head no when she decides she is done eating and you put the spoon up to her. HAHA  She was afraid of water for about two weeks recently, but that has since resolved itself.


Maxwell is up on his knees sometimes, and army crawling really well!  He also pulls up on toys, but it sometimes causes him to get a bump on the head.  Max is still a silly monkey, but screams like you are chewing off his leg when he doesn’t get what he wants.  He thinks when you call his name while he is crawling into the no baby zone it is a big game and will start crawling even faster.


Aiden is also crawling forward!  He also will get up on his knees and rock, but crawls mostly when something is in sight that he wants.   He is still not eating level chunky three foods as it causes him to gag and then vomit every where.  We’re still trying him slowly, but at this moment he can only have fruits, squash, and sweet potatoes.  He isn’t complaining.  Aiden finally got the go ahead to visit the Allergist, and we are going to have a reflux study done to see if his cough is caused by that.  He has his splints now too!  So he is keeping his thumb out more than like he has them in the above picture.

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