Sunday, February 28, 2010

Getting So Good At Tummy Time





We've been sick for about two weeks now....maybe or is it three weeks now? I've lost count of the weeks. Everyone has a stuffy nose, and a bit of a cough. Aiden has the worst cough out of everyone, and will start a coughing fit after almost every burp. Poor guy, but he is getting better!

Aunt Martz came back to help Momma out while Daddy and Grandma were out of town. Grandma left, but will be coming back to help out every once in a while. PaPaw & Granny Nell came to meet the babies earlier this week!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

A little of this and that....

Some pictures from last week...





We had snow in Charleston and not just a little bit either! Ok maybe to some, but to us it was a lot! Around five inches, and because of it we were without power for about 14 hours. The babies were already sick so we bundled them in fleece jammies, hats, and socks for mittens. It was a fun 14 hours...not really. They are all still sick.

In other news Momma made Staff Sergeant!

Below is a video of Maxwell trying rice cereal for the second time. The first wasn't any better. LOL

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Girlie Girls

I dressed Alexis & Carolyn in dresses today because it wasn't cold out, and it isn't like they were going outside anyway. Then I decided I needed to take pictures of them, and they both decided their dresses would look better with spit up. SO I changed their outfits and below are the pictures....

Perhaps I'll take the boys pictures tomorrow. Max was extra fussy today so I decided to leave him alone and not flash him over and over! :)