Sunday, May 8, 2011

May Update

Aiden is now saying tons of words, but his current favorite is “no”.  Aiden do you want to go night night?  No.  Aiden do you need a diaper change?  No.  Aiden do you stink?  No.  Aiden are you ready to get up?  No.  Aiden come here so I can change your diaper.  No.  Aiden…. No.  This is our constant conversation with Aiden.  We’re working on not telling Momma and Daddy no, but so far that isn’t doing much good.  Just be consistent is what I tell myself.  Now that it’s HOT outside we’re able to enjoy the play area outside more and Aiden enjoys going down the slide and playing in the house we have.  He really like pointing out birds, and ducks when we go on choo choo rides too!  He was recently evaluated for speech therapy and it was decided that he does not qualify since he is speaking so much.  His favorite characters are still Tigger and Pooh, but he’s having a lot of fun learning what things are.  Aiden is still throwing fits and screaming when something doesn’t go his way.  He also freaks out when someone comes near him and he thinks they’re trying to steal something.  He does ok with the spoon and fork, but we haven’t mastered it yet.  We’re just going with the flow, and not stressing out since sippy cups stressed me out so much I’ve learned to just let them go at their own pace.  hopefully before college they’ll get it.  Aiden has developed a love for Cattie which is causing some problems because we all know who goes into full meltdown mode if Cattie isn’t around.


Max is still the mischievous one, and not only is he the one that looks like he should always be in trouble he has started aggravating everyone.  He sits on top of Alexis, steals her paci, steals her Cattie, and laughs while she screams.  He steals whatever Carolyn has and giggles as he runs away.  He does the same to Aiden, but has to work harder to get whatever Aiden has because Aiden holds on to everything so tightly.  Max did qualify for speech therapy since he doesn’t vocalize much.  He understands what you want from him fairly quickly so the therapist thinks it should be easy to get him speaking.  We think it is more his personality because he is the shyest and most quiet.  I think he just doesn’t want to talk, and being a quiet person myself I can understand that.  He’s still a momma’s boy, but is doing much better with Andy.  He now runs to him to play a lot.  Max is always cracking himself up about something, and usually when he is upset it isn’t for long.  The biggest challenges we have with him are his aggravating everyone, and that he lashes out at the others when he his mad or getting in trouble.  We’re working on those areas the strongest.  He is very sweet though and when he isn’t up to mischief he will get everyone their cup or favorite toy to help calm the individual down. 


Alexis is still the little momma hen.  She enjoys telling the others to “shh” and getting on them when they do something they aren’t supposed to.  Usually it’s just a “NO NO NO” from her when they are messing with her cattie.  Aiden will get her cattie and she will scream because there are two catties but she knows exactly which is the first and original cattie.  She does NOT share the original Cattie, but is happy to have Aiden take the dupe.  She did not qualify for speech since she is talking more than Carolyn, but less than Aiden.  She “talks” a lot so her vocalization isn’t a problem.  She copies what we say very well too, and we’ve been working lately on what the different animals do.  Her current favorites are the cow and crocodile.   She does not like the water much, but loves going down the slides outside.  She is still a very big cuddle bug, and loves for someone to read to her while she sits in their lap.  Everyone’s favorite book is currently The Wheels On The Bus.  She also loves to dance to the Mickey Mouse club house song Hot Dog.


Carolyn is fearless now that her tubes are in.  She hasn’t lost the wild streak that she developed since they went in.  I was hoping it was a phase, but so far she is still standing up and climbing on everything she can so she can say “TADA!”.  She is saying more words, but qualifies for speech therapy since she doesn’t really vocalize as well as Aiden and Alexis.  She is probably more delayed just because she had so many ear infections and was constantly hearing muffled talking instead of clear voices.  She is doing really well and has been gaining weight and really growing these past few months.  She is still the smallest, but that is OK!  She loves giving hugs, and will throw her arms wide to run to you for a hug.  She is working on saying cheese when I take her picture, but she ends up scrunching her entire face up so it’s less of a smile and more of a crazy look.  Smile  It is still adorable though so I usually end up laughing instead of taking her picture.  She is doing really well with saying Hi and bye and waving when she says it.  I’ve noticed Carolyn really loves wearing dresses and will just seem more excited when she is getting dressed. 


Last month I had surgery to repair my abs and remove the excess skin.  It was technically a tummy tuck, but the doctor called it something else.  I can’t remember what he called it.  That was a very hard recovery and I’m 5 weeks out from the surgery feeling much better, but still in pain from doing things I shouldn’t.  Like pick up babies.  Andy’s mom came to help us while I was on leave and it was such a relief knowing someone was here to help.  Words cannot express how thankful I am to her for always being here when we need her and being a shoulder to lean on.  Thank you and we love you!!!

Fun outside (a picture post)




*Aiden wouldn’t sit still long enough for a picture!





Carolyn flying high.


Aiden flying high.


Alexis and Cattie take flight.


Opening up about PPD

The first time when I knew I was pregnant I was so happy.  It had taken many years for me to finally conceive so when the positive was up on the test I wanted to jump for joy.  I wanted the very best for my little one, and I wanted to be the best mother I could possibly be.  I wanted to be perfect.  I wanted a brand  new nursery with everything just perfect and new.  Then I learned I wasn’t going to be your typical first time pregnancy, and reality took over and I put away the dreams of a brand new nursery.  I still wanted to be perfect though.  When I delivered 8 weeks early I was so happy to finally be able to breathe, but scared for my little ones fighting up in the NNICU.  I remember being ready to leave the hospital after 4 weeks there, and as soon as I was in the car I knew I wanted to stay.  Not because the food was great, not because I enjoyed taking cold showers, and not because I could lay in a super sweet hospital bed while everyone asked me the last time I went to the bathroom.  I wanted to stay because my tiny babies were there, and the farther we drove the more my heart broke.  I went every day possible and we stayed for hours on end, and just enjoyed the time I had with them.  My experience with the NNICU was scary, but probably not as scary as someone that hadn’t prepared for it.  I kept moving forward one day at a time, and then all of our babies were home.  First Max and Alexis came home, and then Carolyn.  Carolyn had to go back to the hospital for another week, but she came home with Aiden that next weekend.  From that moment on it’s been go go go, and when I look back I tried to be perfect.  I tried my best to be the best I could, and then about two months ago that I will never be perfect no matter how much I try.  Why did it take me so long?  Why was I so ashamed to open up to someone and get help?  Because I had postpartum depression and I had no idea.  There was one time when the first intrusive thought came to mind.  I was making bottles and I thought about putting bleach in their bottles.  Not normal.  In any way.  Not ok.  It scared me so bad I shook, and I was terrified that something was seriously wrong with me.  Yet, I didn’t tell anyone I just hid the fear.  I was irritable, I was tired, I didn’t want to do anything except sleep once the babies went to bed.  I thought it would all pass.  It didn’t.  While the bleach thought was the only one I had like that I was constantly scared something would happen to the babies.  I was scared something would happen to me on my way to or from work and who would pick up the babies?  Some days I wished I could just leave the babies at daycare so I could sleep.  Then I started counseling  and the lady said I think you have postpartum depression.  I didn’t want her to be right, and as a matter of fact I thought “uh ok”.  I didn’t think I did.  I thought I was happy when I was with my babies, and PPD is being sad.  It isn’t just about being sad, and that’s something that I never knew.  I wish someone had spoken to me early on that there is also postpartum anxiety.  I wish I had spoken up about having strange thoughts so I could have gotten help a lot sooner.  I’m currently being treated for PPD, and I feel better than I’ve felt in a really long time.  I’m starting to want to do things again besides just sleep.  There are ups and downs, but there are more good days than bad.  I don’t have to be perfect I just have to do the best I can, and at the end of the day pray that it is enough.  I love my children more than anything on this Earth, and I pray when they look back on their childhood they think I am an amazing mom.  Not perfect, but just perfect for them.