Friday, October 29, 2010

NO we haven’t fallen off the Earth

We’ve just been relaxing.  Enjoying the moments and nothing else.  HA!  Ok I’ll stop.  We actually started October off with a trip up to VA to visit family and friends.  Then Andy and I left the babies and flew off to Key West.  WOOT WOOT!   This is more of a picture post than an update post

Andy & I in Key West at Hemmingway’s house


Some pictures from our visit to the pumpkin patch up in VA. 


Alexis, Atticus, and Maxwell


My girl Rianna with the most adorable baby.  Ever.  Her son, Atticus.


Big Maxwell holding little Maxwell, and both are extremely upset about something LOL


Momma and Aiden


Grandma & Alexis


Grandpa & Carolyn


Andy and the boys


You know who we are Smile


We really enjoyed our time away in Key West and could not have done it without Grandma, Grandpa, Emily, and everyone that helped out with the babies while we were gone!  Thank you thank you thank you!  ESPECIALLY thank you Grandma!  You are awesome and we love you!