Thursday, June 11, 2009

22 Weeks

We've made it to 22 weeks! Yay! Looking a little crazy in this picture, but I'm tired and ready for a nap so I don't care. Maybe I will later when I look at it, but not right now I don't. No ultrasound images today. It was just a check to make sure I'm still doing well and then a heart rate check on the babies. Babies are still looking good, and I'm feeling good so we're happy! I can actually feel them moving a lot now, and while we were sitting after the appointment I saw my stomach move when I felt one move so that was fun.

After the appointment we marked off trading in our trailblazer for a van. It had to be done before I go on full bed rest because the Trailblazer was in my name. So we went and talked to the people at Enterprise after seeing one of their vehicles online, and they were able to work with us on our trade in so we're now the owners of an 08 Chrysler Town & Country.

Progress on Baby C or D's baby blanket. I think it's coming along nicely :)


  1. You just look a little tired, but lovely as always. You did have a Dr visit & car/van haggling to deal with...makes me tired just thinking about it. ;) Did they give you a quad discount? :D It looks like a great one that'll serve your growing family for a while.
    Can't wait to see you all next week!
    Love ya,

  2. i just found your blog from one of my quad momma friends and wanted to welcome you to "the club":) You look FABULOUS!:) I just looked back at some of my 22 week preg with quads pics and you definitely look much better than i did. I was a beached whale :) hah. If you ever need anything feel free to email me jennyhasquads {at} yahoo
    Keep up the good work momma!

    Jenny B

  3. Congrats!!! I just found you through the comment you left on the Murray Crew site. Me and the Cupcakes (as we call our 21 month old GBBG quads) will be following along and keeping you in our prayers!


  4. Getting a mini van was the hardest for me! I love the blankets. My mom had to help me, but I knitted each a hat & booties in their color. I still treasure them.
    You look great!!!! Keep up the great work,

  5. Oh my gosh! Lisa! I just stumbled on this blog - through Ravelry. You're having QUADS??! I am not sure how I lost touch with you - but did you stpo blogging on your old blog??

    Hope all is well with you! Be in touch!
