Saturday, May 16, 2009


I can say that out loud to the internet now. I was outted on Facebook, once on the pregnancy and again with the fact that we're expecting quads. The quads weren't planned. They are in fact a shock.

Since most people want to know if we got pregnant naturally here is our story.

We tried on and off for 2.5 years, and when we couldn't get pregnant we went to have tests done. When we both had issues the Navy doctor we were seeing gave us the lowest dose of Clomid. After three months of seeing the doctors and having the tests we started our first round of Clomid. I felt horrible on it. I was moody and just felt ugh! As it would turn out we only needed one month. I had a blood test after about a week of watching the pregnancy tests get darker and darker.

My first appointment was scheduled for a Tuesday, but when I started to have problems I had to go in early. As it turns out I had many cysts from the clomid, and one burst. The fluid from the cyst caused the ultrasound to show nothing so I was scheduled to go back on Monday. On Monday I went back for another ultra sound. The u/s tech didn't really say anything, but when the doctor saw me in her office I knew something was up. She confirmed how long and how much I'd taken. Then she showed us the u/s pictures and started to count. yolk sac 4, now known as Baby D, wasn't expected to make it to the next week. It was so much smaller than the other three she really didn't think it would take. The next week though Baby D was there with a heartbeat, and this week he or she has caught up and the heartbeat is right there with the other three.

I've been so tired and feeling just ick. We're now at 8 weeks 5 days, and hoping to continue to have a healthy pregnancy.

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