Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Room In

It ain't called the sleep in for a reason. It's strategically placed in your life to give you a glimpse into reality. I also think it's to give you a free out in case you decide "OH MY GOODNESS NO THANK YOU". We thankfully passed the room in with flying colors. I was asked some questions I had no idea what the answer was because well I think someone was supposed to go over with me previously that hadn't & because I'm a first time parent. Just because I have four to jack up on the first time around doesn't mean I have any secret knowledge.

We roomed in with 3 and came home with not by choice. Our little Carolyn actually lost weight so she is on the skinny girls program until she gains weight a few days in a row. How many days? I don't know. Some of you are probably wondering the estimate on Aiden. I don't know. If he does well with his bottles his feeding tube comes out tomorrow. You know what happens when the feeding tube comes out. They watch them for weight gain then start throwing them in our van. Aiden and Carolyn remain in the hospital while Max & Alexis are at home with us. It is a bittersweet feeling. YAY babies are home, but two still are 30 minutes from me and it makes me want to cry thinking about them away from home. Max and Alexis are both on apnea monitors and oxygen.

Last night we changed a lot of dirty diapers, fed a lot of bottles, and slept a little. Andy is still not feeling 100% so he wore a mask anytime he was holding one of the babies. We learned how to give a bath, how not to wait before putting a new diaper on bc waiting = everything gets wet, give medicine, and that they hate their multivitamins. Andy made two trips home to let the dogs out while I stayed at the hospital and did whatever needed to be done with the babies.

We have both Max & Alexis in the same crib it is so nice being able to see them together and not have to walk over and lift a blanket to see their face. Below are some pictures from last night/this morning.

Max & Alexis finally home





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