Sunday, September 6, 2009


So I woke up with a fever today and that means I don't get to visit the hospital. I didn't get to visit yesterday either just in case the runny nose was more than just sinuses. Major suckage it is more than a sinus problem, but awesome that I didn't go contaminate my sweet little babies.

Update on everyone...

is now in an open crib and has been keeping his temp up so he gets to stay in the open air. He has been taking his bottle well, but has only been getting one bottle a day. He may be moving up to more than one bottle a day soon since he is doing well.

was thought to be coming home this weekend, but at the last minute he was put on caffeine and back on oxygen. He will be coming home on a monitor, but it is unclear on if he will come home on oxygen at this time. He is taking all of his feeds by bottle, and no longer has a feeding tube!

was put on oxygen with her bottles, but yesterday was also put on caffeine. So she will come home on a monitor. The caffeine is really helping her a lot though so YAY! The above picture she had just taken most of her bottle, and went right to sleep. I was calling her a buzzard because of her crazy hair.

is currently on a 48 hour trend to see if she needs to be put on caffeine. We won't be surprised at all if she does need caffeine since the other three are now on it. The trend is where she is kept on her monitor the entire 48 hours to see if the oxygen level in her blood drops down to 80 and stays there. If it does she will be on caffeine if it doesn't...well I guess she won't be.

Everyone had their hearing tests and passed! Everyone is also down in the level 2 nursery right near each other.

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